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Our Guide to Picking the Right ERP System for Your Business

There are so many different ERP systems out there, so picking the one that’s right for your business can be challenging. What’s more, if you don’t select the right solution for your needs, it can be risky for your business. In this blog, we share why getting the right ERP system in place is so essential and why NetSuite ERP could be the solution you’re looking for.


The Importance of Choosing an ERP System That’s Right for Your Business

Many businesses hold off on upgrading their software because they think it will be risky for business. But, in reality, holding off on much-needed upgrades is more damaging to your business. From increased maintenance costs to lack of scalability to increased risk of a security breach, often the costs of holding off on software upgrades outweigh the benefits.


In this ever-technological age, keeping your software updated is now a crucial task for any business. Whether its software for accounting, CRM, or inventory management, each needs to be kept up to date to help your business perform its best.


When it comes to old ERP software, managers might feel like they are doing the best thing by staying with their current ERP provider, even if it is out of date. Usually, this feeling comes from a fear that upgrading ERP software will have catastrophic disruptions throughout the business. However, similarly with any software, not upgrading old ERP systems can have negative consequences in itself.


Once you’ve decided that it’s time to switch to a faster, more reliable ERP solution, you may now be wondering how to choose the right one for your business. When it comes to picking the right ERP solution, finding one that works together with your company is vital. A great ERP system will help you accelerate your business and will grow as your business does.


Benefits of NetSuite ERP

We’ve looked at why picking the right ERP solution is so vital for your business, now let’s take a look at one of the most widely used ERP solutions for businesses. NetSuite ERP is the world’s most deployed cloud ERP solution, and it isn’t hard to see why!


Completely Scalable

NetSuite ERP is entirely scalable and helps you accelerate business growth. With its integrated capabilities, accounting, orders, and management of data can be handled by managers all in one place. You can also take advantage of upselling and cross-selling features and get more visibility of the overall process.


Powerful, but Simple

With all the power of the cloud behind it, NetSuite ERP solutions keep usability top of mind. With such simplicity, daily operations such as order management, expense approvals, invoicing, and more can easily be automated. Automating these processes not only saves in administration time and costs, but it can also help to reduce errors that can be made when manually processing data.


Easy to Maintain

Older ERP systems can rack up the maintenance costs, especially if your ERP provider no longer supports your particular version. With NetSuite ERP, maintenance costs are minimal offering you value for money. NetSuite ERP solutions are perfect options for businesses looking to keep operational costs as low as possible.


Many Integration Options

NetSuite comes with a host of easy integration options that allow you to tailor the software to your business. For example, it combines customer-facing CRM and e-commerce functionalities as well as standard ERP capabilities. This allows you greater visibility of all your business operations in one streamlined software solution.


Choosing Cloud-based ERP Solutions

Cloud-based ERP systems like NetSuite offer you better security, easy integration, flexibility, and value for money. Choosing the right ERP solution for your business is paramount to the efficiency of your operations. Without the right software, your business can suffer in time, money, and customer satisfaction.


At Cofficient, we understand that choosing new ERP software is a big step for any business, which is why we offer free demos of our software led by our team of experts. To discover more about the power of NetSuite ERP, book your demo today to get started.