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Client: TSA
Date: 25th September 2018

We felt that the customisation we agreed with Cofficient would put us in a strong position moving forward, and we plan to keep working with Cofficient to unlock more functionality as time goes on.

TSA is a membership organisation, with around 350 members in the telehealth and telecare community.  They cover a wide range of areas, including service providers, suppliers, academics, commissioners etc.  As well as the standard membership renewals, TSA organise a number of regional events, along with an international conference each year. They have also recently taken the administration of the Code of Practice” in house”, where the service provider members are audited for compliance against a very strict service regime.

After some consideration, TSA took the decision to migrate from their current mixture of systems; which included an access database, spreadsheets and a lot of manual processes. A number of potential new CRM systems, such as Microsoft Dynamics, Sugar CRM and Workbooks were all considered. All of these needed substantial configuration and the cost was quite high.  After being introduced to Cofficient by a third party, they were shown Oracle NetSuite as a viable alternative to what was already in the market.

After receiving a demonstration with key members of the team TSA were impressed by the potential of the system. Realising a lot of “Out of the Box” functions that suited TSA’s requirements, the feeling was that further customisation, agreed with Cofficient,  would put them in a strong position moving forward.  The project is being approached in several phases with the first – CRM (membership management) completed in October 2015.

The result is that TSA have been able to automate a lot of their membership renewal processes. They are now able to offer our members much better customer service from the Business Relationship Managers in terms of responding to communication and proactively contacting members. TSA have been able to bring the Code of Practice in-house, with very little additional admin support, which was vital. They are now able to control marketing campaigns more efficiently and track the contacts made.

Another crucial criteria of the project was to enable user learning.  TSA have received training on how to build the reports and saved searches as well as setting up dashboards on their own.   Having this skill will ensure that TSA have the most accurate Management Information, can track team performance and get best indicators of business performance.  This will enable them to make faster and better business decisions in order to drive the business.

Moving forward, TSA plan to continue working with Cofficient to get the best out the Oracle NetSuite solution and to unlock further functionality.  The aim is to unlock the finance functionality so that the system becomes truly integrated.  This is planned for early 2016.

Not-For-Profit TSA Appoint Cofficient to Implement NetSuite

TSA have appointed Cofficient to implement NetSuite software into their not-for-profit business.  The membership organisation, who promotes and supports the Technology Enabled Care industry, are deploying CRM functionality in the first instance to help with the support of current members and the administration of their Code of Practice accreditation process.  Members include Local Authorities, Registered Social Landlords, Health and private sector providers, as well as technology, telecoms and infrastructure providers and suppliers.  Over 1.7 million people in the UK currently benefit from the use of telehealth and telecare services.

Alyson Scurfield , Chief Executive of TSA says, “For us it was the next logical step in our development.  There are over 1.7million people who receive Technology Enabled Care services across the UK alone and we promote a very high code of practice amongst over 350 member organisations.   The NetSuite solution allows us to uphold those standards and ensure the quality of the accreditation process. ”

The NetSuite CRM will enhance TSA’s ability to talk to and support their members more effectively and to collect membership information as well as process audits.  The result will be a smoother and more streamlined new membership and renewal process.  There is a further phase to integrate financials planned for early 2016.

Says Paul Tindal, Director at Cofficient, “Current systems are quite manual and duplication of effort is a real problem for TSA.  NetSuite will be used to improve processes and drive task management within the organisation so that things like membership renewal becomes less onerous.   As a membership organisation, TSA has a very stringent Code of Practice and it is essential that the new solution helps to drive efficiencies for TSA to help them with the regulation of members”.

He continues, “We are delighted to be chosen to implement this software for TSA who enable telecare within the community.  They regulate an industry which allows vulnerable individuals to be cared for at home with dignity and independence and it is a real privilege to be invited to help them to achieve the next phase of their evolution”.